Baldur gate enhanced edition osx waiting for download to begin

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The following content is available for in-app purchase: The Black Pits: Battle a myriad of monsters and other adventurers in Baeloth’s marvelous arena.īrothers Lost: Help Rasaad yn Bashir, the Sun Soul Monk, as he scours the Cloud Peaks in search of his lost brother.Ĭountless improvements to the original game, including an improved interface, dynamic zooming, and more. Tales of the Sword Coast: Explore more of the Sword Coast, including the fabled Durlag’s Tower. Customize your hero, recruit a party of brave allies, and explore the Sword Coast in your search for adventure, profit… and the truth.īaldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition contains the original 60-hour adventure, as well as the following additions: Since its original release in 1998, Baldur’s Gate has set the standard for Dungeons & Dragons computer roleplaying games. Soon you discover there are other forces at work, far more sinister than you could ever imagine.

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This game is optimized for tablets and not recommended for phones with screen sizes under 7 inches.įorced to leave your home under mysterious circumstances, you find yourself drawn into a conflict that has the Sword Coast on the brink of war. Customize your hero, recruit a party of brave allies, and explore the Sword Coast in your search for adventure, profit… and the truth.